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Things 3 5 – Elegant Personal Task Management

Ever since Things 3 came along, it’s been my todo app of choice. Every now and then I check out the competition, but I always swing back.

Inspired by Stefan Zweifel’s post, here’s how I use Things on a daily basis. Benefits now caesars.

Table of contents

Things is a simple and elegant task management solution that fits my workflow. It has just enough organization and features but not too many to get me caught up spending too much time setting up. As I was finding a new balance for managing deadlines and tasks, I learned a few things. In particular, I learned that I didn’t like most of the project management options out there — many were actually more hardcore solutions than I needed — but a lot of the basic task management. 6) The one essential habit you must form for this—or any other task management system— to work is to perform a review of your tasks board each morning. Ryan Carson recommends taking 19 minutes. Price: $3.99 per user, per month Download #3. Things 3 “Things 3” has always appealed me as a top-notch task manager. With this app, you can create a project for each of your goals and add the required steps to accomplish them. You will be able to group your projects by areas of responsibility like “Family”, “Work”, or “Health”. But while elements of personal style may vary, there are absolutes one can point to about management substance. Accordingly, here are 5 things the best managers do - and don't do. On the positive.

Why Things?

Things is one of the most beautiful Mac apps I own. Being that pretty is a killer feature on its own, but not enough to be my task manager of choice.

Things is best-in-class because it’s pragmatic in every way possible.

Things doesn’t scream at you. Didn’t get to that task you scheduled yesterday? No problem, it’s been rescheduled to today. Things doesn’t care. It won’t shame you with a big OVERDUE badge. Things exists to serve, not control.

Things scales remarkably well. Need to record a quick task for today? Hit the Add Task button from the Today view. No need to waste time and energy triaging the task. Need to outline a big piece of work? You’ve got sections, projects, and headings to your disposal.

Use any combination of the features Things has to offer, whatever feels right for the job. Things is as effective with broad undertakings as it is with tiny projects.

Before we get started

We need to sit down, and outline what belongs in a task manager. More importantly, we need to determine what doesn’t.

I have two main uses for a task manager:

  • To not forget things
  • To schedule my time

Remember the milk

Not forgetting things generally applies to small tasks.

Client support comes in right before I check out of the office? I’ll create a task for tomorrow morning next morning. Question from a colleague while I’m in the zone? I’ll create a task so I don’t forget to ping back later.

At home, watering the plants once a week and picking up a package from the post office are typical tasks in this category.

Scheduling my week

Scheduling isn’t about “not forgetting something”. I’m not going to forget to build that new major feature for an active project. I’m not going to forget to finish the blog post I’ve been working on for days. Scheduling is about managing my time as efficient as possible.

Things 3 5 – Elegant Personal Task Management Skills

I generally schedule my week on Monday. In the morning, I create tasks for whatever I want to get done, and spread them across the week. Sometimes tasks need to be done rather sooner than later, in that case I’ll schedule them on Monday or Tuesday. I also try to keep Thursdays and Fridays calmer than the beginning of the week, since I can always expect the unexpected to push things back. When I schedule a task on a specific day, it’s meant as a guideline, not a rule.

When I decide to do something “some time next week”, I schedule it on the next Monday. Then when I’m scheduling my week on Monday, I’ll scheduled it more specifically.

What doesn’t belong in a task manager

Before looking at how I structure my tasks, it’s important to know what doesn’t belong in my todo workflow.

It boils down to the following rules:

  • A task should be actionable
  • If a task is also relevant to someone else, it must (also) live somewhere else

An idea isn’t a task

Ideas aren’t actionable, they belong on a notepad.

“Write a post about my Things 3 workflow” started out as an idea, so I added a note to my “blog ideas” pad. Once I committed to writing the post, it can become one or more tasks. If I need schedule time to write and eventually finish the post, I’ll create a task.

Things 3 5 – Elegant Personal Task Management

My task manager is personal

If I need to squash a bug in a project I’m working on with others, I should create a GitHub issue. If I want to outline a feature I’m working on, I should probably use my team’s project management solution.

I keep my task manager as lean as possible. For myself: having too many tasks in my personal space stresses me out. For others: if I document work to be done as public as possible, others can follow along and chime in too.

Things is made to schedule tasks, not outline the work at hand.

How to Things

Now that you understand how I approach task management in general, let’s apply this to Things, from top to bottom.


I mostly use the inbox on the go, or when I want to jot something down when I don’t have much time.

I don’t only use the inbox for tasks, but also for random thoughts, links I want to remember… Anything goes. When I have a spare moment, I open my Inbox and triage its contents. Some things get assigned to a section, some get scheduled, others might belong in an entirely different app.

Things 3 5 – Elegant Personal Task Management Program

Today & upcoming

The Today view is open almost permanently on my desktop.

When you don’t finish a task on its scheduled date, Things simply keeps the task in the Today view. No pesky “overdue” badges to make you feel bad. This fits my workflow because I rarely need to work against hard deadlines.

I might schedule a task on a specific day, but that’s meant as a guideline, not a rule. If something MUST be done on time, I add a deadline. I barely assign deadlines to tasks, which makes them even more powerful when I do.

I often use reminders to get notifications for things I don’t want to forget on a certain day. If I could make one feature request to Things, it would be location-based reminders.

Signs of a gambling problem. I only recently started using recurring tasks. For work, I use them to remember weekly updates I need to send to clients. For personal use, I use them to remember to pay certain bills, or to put the garbage out.

Anytime, someday, logbook, trash

I almost never use these. Very occasionally I tuck something away in someday, but to me that’s often a smell that it probably belongs somewhere else than my task manager.


Santa village game. Things 3 has sections to organize tasks. I have two sections that exist permanently: Spatie (my employer) and Blog. In Things, you can also create tasks and projects without nesting them in a section.

Personal tasks aren’t sectioned. Sectioning personal task doesn’t provide any benefits to me, and it keeps the sidebar calm.

When I’m working on a big project, I’ll create a section for that too. For example, “BigCorp” is a project I’ll be working on for the next few months/years. This makes it easy to distinguish it from various other tasks at Spatie.


Projects don’t help me getting started, they ensure I get things done.

I use projects sparingly. Projects shouldn’t exist indefinitely, I’m already using sections for that. I use projects when I’m itching to get something done.

Projects aren’t necessarily large, they could be just 5, or even 50 tasks long. Since projects are always visible in the sidebar, they serve as a constant reminder to complete something.

I use project for personal things too, in that case they’re also unsectioned. These range from grocery lists, to things to prepare when cooking for a crowd.

Sometimes I use headings for projects that get bigger, but I don’t have any rules in place with I should or shouldn’t.


Things 3 5 – Elegant Personal Task Management System

Manually tagging tasks is the worst, and Things knows. In Things, you can tag entire sections and projects and forget about it.

I only have one tag set up: Spatie. By assigning a Spatie tag to the Spatie and BigProj sections, all underlying tasks get tags too. This is useful to filter the Today and Upcoming views. During work hours I often keep my Today view open, with the Spatie tag filter on.

The Blog section also has a Spatie tag. Not because my blog is for work, but because I often write for my blog during work hours.

Closing thoughts

Things looks pretty empty in these screenshots. While some sections are a lot more active at times, in general I try to keep it calm.

The primary use of my task manager is scheduling tasks in the short term. If Things looks crowded, I should reconsider my schedule.

Managing is one of the most important tasks in all companies, despite their type, size, market, or industry. As an entrepreneur, you will also need to practice management. Here you can find 11 most important management tasks.

Sometimes entrepreneurs at the same time in addition to their entrepreneurial duties will work on entirely different tasks called management tasks. That means they also need to have some types of managerial skills required for the successful implementation of management tasks.

There are plenty of tasks that managers will need to accomplish in their daily work routine whose purpose is to bring effectiveness and efficiency in their company.

Remember, you are building a business, not the product. Here is one list of the most important managerial tasks.

Management Task #1: Coaching

One of the most important management tasks is coaching. Managers must be the persons who will show to their subordinates or team members the right direction where the organization will need to go. They are simply instructors and trainers.

The goal is to develop business with high business potential energy in all organizational members.

Management Task #2: Planning

Planning is one of the management functions and one of the most important everyday tasks of the managers.

Managers are persons who plan the future of the company and think about all future activities that organizational members must accomplish. So, planning becomes one of the most important management tasks.

Scheduling, for example, is a crucial aspect of planning.

If managers were to take their time to plan their meetings or appointments, they can’t do away with scheduling their activities. It’s precise because of this why managers should invest in online scheduling platforms.

When they have a single place where they can view their schedules and important events, they gain clarity on how to go about their day, allowing them to perform better as managers.

Also, working with anonline scheduling platform prevents them from missing their events since they get reminders minutes or days before the event schedule.” Spin palace casino slots.

Management Task #3: Change Agent

In reality, you can’t find even one day in your business without changes.

A successful change process will require strong change agents, the persons who will initiate and facilitate the whole process.

You must plan and manage the entire change process if you want to bring the desired results. Managers at the same time must ensure that the company will continue the current level of success and prepare to implement change that will bring future success.

Management Task #4: Forecasting the Future

Akvis chameleon 9 0 download free. Forecasting is another managerial task that will provide a picture of how the future will look like from the business perspective.

This managerial task is very important because if you implement it in the right way, you will have a clear vision for the future. In such a way you can better prepare yourself for that future.

Management Task #5: Motivating Employees

Employees must be motivated if you want to get the best results from their work. You can’t find the person who will work for nothing.

All employees have some motivational factors that will lead them to bring better results in your company. But, these motivational factors are different for each employee.

One of the management tasks is to optimize motivational processes and maximize employees’ working performances. So, create and spread motivation is another managerial task.

Management Task #6: Organizing

Organizing is also one of the management functions aside from planning and motivating. Without some level of organization, your company will exist in chaos.

Businesses with more employees will have different ideas, different ways of doing things, and different personal habits.

Organizing is a management task that will make all organizational differentiations to work as one whole – the company.

Management Task #7: Staffing

Staffing is another managerial task. Because the organizational members, or simply people are one of the most valuable resources for today’s companies, this task becomes crucial for managers.

Selecting the right staff for the company is the heart of enabling a successful company’s future operations. A better team will mean the existence of a higher business potential energy in the enterprise.

Management Task #8: Controlling

Controlling is also one of the managerial functions like planning, motivating, organizing, and staffing.

This task is something that will give you the picture for possible mistakes and failures between what you have planned and actual results from the implementation of your plans.

The goal is to minimize the deviation between plans and reality.

Management Task #9: Negotiating

Another important management task is negotiating. In the business world, there are two types of negotiations: internal and external negotiations.

Internal negotiation is in place when managers negotiate with the entities from inside the businesses, and external negotiation is in place when managers negotiate with external entities that are outside the company as suppliers, customers, and community.

The better negotiation skills of managers will increase the overall business potential energy of the company.

Management Task #10: Delegation

Successful managers know how to delegate the right tasks to the right people.

We cannot find the perfect manager. Delegating tasks to team members is something that differentiates successful managers from the average and below-average executives.

The delegation process is a combination of different knowledge and experience that will bring better accomplishment of the tasks.

Management Task #11: Representing

The last but not the less important managerial task is implementing the representative role of the company.

The managers represent companies that they manage.

How they look, how they talk, how they walk, and how they think will build the picture of the company in the eyes of the people from outside the enterprise.

If you want to read more articles about management, read the following:

Things 3 5 – Elegant Personal Task Management
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